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Introducing We Are Raising The Bar

Hi there! My name is Abbie, and I’m the co-founder of Raising the Bar along with my amazing husband, Devin, who has helped encourage bringing Raising the Bar from a little bitty dream into a full-fledged small business.

Two and a half years ago, I made the decision to stop drinking alcohol – for good. I’d taken breaks, long and short previously – but this time was different. I was sick of trying to moderate drinking – it simply took up too much space in my mind and I finally realized I just didn’t want to try anymore.

Raising the Bar was born out of being fed up with boring drinks while out with friends, sipping my soda and lime while missing the more interesting and complex concoctions of my cocktail days. I figured there are plenty of other people out there, like me, who might not want to have an alcoholic drink but still want the festiveness of a more interesting beverage. Whether you don’t drink at all, are cutting back, taking a break, pregnant, on a certain medication, etc. – the reasons why someone might want something alcohol-free and fun are endless.
We started Raising the Bar to introduce you to incredible brands in the alcohol-free space while providing #zeroproof cocktail recipes that aren’t the syrupy-sweet concoctions often found under the “mocktail” umbrella. We send you everything you need for sophisticated and innovative #alcoholfree cocktails right to you!
We’ve loved diving into the amazing alcohol-free community since we launched in September of 2020, and we can’t wait to get to know all of you, learn your stories and share us – to Raising the Bar and #redefininghappyhour.
Join the Zero-Proof Movement