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Inclusive Holiday Entertaining

Holiday parties can be overwhelming even under the best of circumstances. There are menus to prepare, gift exchanges to organize, and travel plans to consider. But even with all of that to think about, there’s one major rule that can’t be forgotten – parties should be inclusive for everyone on your guest list. While standards for entertaining have definitely become more inclusive in the past few years, sober folks are still often left out of the conversation. So whether it’s a big family gathering or a small celebration with friends, it’s essential to make any holiday party a comfortable environment for people avoiding alcohol.

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when organizing your holiday gatherings this year. 


    1. Don’t Make a Big Deal Out of It

Imagine this: You’re trying to enjoy your night, sipping whatever alcohol-free option you were able to put together at the drink table, and suddenly you hear the dreaded question, “Don’t you want a real drink?” Or even worse, “Hey, why aren’t you drinking?” While not all sober people are shy about their reasons for cutting out alcohol, it can be a touchy subject and a real vibe killer when you’re just trying to have a good time. We want to normalize the idea that anyone, for whatever reason, can choose not to drink without owing an explanation to the people around them. 


    1. Encourage Plus-Ones

Sobriety can feel isolating, especially at a party where everyone seems to have a drink in their hand. Encourage your guests to bring along plus-ones who can help them feel comfortable and supported in their choices. Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people! 


    1. Offer Zero-Proof Options

The best option is to have zero-proof drinks available at your party for anyone who wants them. This way the burden of bringing an inclusive drink isn’t on the sober person, and other people who might not try alcohol-free drinks otherwise can try them out! It’s a great step towards normalizing not drinkingIf you’re looking for a place to start, try out one of our gift boxes or look through our blog for recommendations on zero-proof recipes and ready-to-drink options! 


